English 4, Post 6

Time travel to the future

I've been thinking about this for a while and I really don't like the idea of traveling to the future, it scares me. I mean, what if I see things that are not good, if I see misfortunes or something that I simply wouldn't like to see, or I find out things that I didn't want to know yet, I consider that it is something that I would have to think about.

Despite the above, I consider myself a very curious person so if I had the opportunity to travel to the future, I would probably take it jajaja

If I had to travel to the future, I would like it to be to a distant time, I'm not talking about a couple of weeks or months, but about 5 or more years in the future.

I would like to see what things I have achieved in that time, if I have achieved my goals or if I have simply managed to be happy, I would like to see the state of the planet that minute, I mean, sometimes I think it is necessary to see the deterioration of things to become aware of the situations, I would like to see who are and are no longer with me.

The truth is I wouldn't like to stay in the future, I feel it is important to live each moment to grow as people and not skip processes, I would also like to go back to try to fix things that I may have seen wrong in the future and enjoy more the people who at some minute will no longer be with me.


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