Post 8

A subject I enjoyed studying Well, so far, I do not consider that there is any subject that I consider favorite, the truth is that in the second year of the race I have only had general science subjects, that is, nothing directly related to the race itself. However, one subject that I found very enjoyable, and entertaining was differential and integral calculus, a branch of mathematics that allows solving various problems by modeling variables. I have always liked mathematics very much, I find it fun to play with numbers and variables and to be able to obtain results based on that, in general I find this kind of disciplines easy, being even better when I can apply them to subjects related to my career. Before taking the course, I was a little afraid because I had been told that it was very complicated, also during the development of the course there were some problems that discouraged me, but as the classes went by and I did the exercises it became easier and more entertaini...